Many people struggle when asked to write a testimonial for a person. Here are some easy tips on how to write a great...
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How to Get Amazing Testimonials From Clients
Getting testimonials for your business doesn't have to be hard. Here's the ultimate guide on what to say when you ask...
Why You Should Shred Business Name Renewal Letters
Usually, we focus on the online world. But many clients have contacted us recently about being bombarded with...
What Makes Small Business Marketing Succeed or Fail?
If you have ever launched a small business marketing promotion and the only thing that you hear is the tick of the...
How (and Why) To Market When You are Busy
When you are too busy to market is precisely the time you NEED to market your business to ensure long term...
10 Success Tips for Introverted Networkers
Are you an introvert and struggle with how to network effectively? Here's some practical tips to help boost your...